It’s a very important topic and one that the theater world needs to address as we continue to rely on email marketing to drive ticket sales.
Consider the fact that a typical show can send over 500,000 emails before first performance. Imagine if a change in your subject line yielded a 5% increase in emails being opened? That’s an extra 25,000 more people viewing your email. That’s significant revenue.
We found this interesting interview with online copywriting guru Nick Usborne, a leading authority on the subject of writing for the web. The most basic mistakes he sees are as follows:
- Using words that cause the email to be filtered.
(We better hope “SAVE” or “DISCOUNT” isn’t a highly filtered word. Only the email providers (i.e., Playbill, Theatermania, etc.) would be able to tell us. Otherwise, many of our email blasts may be ending up in junk filters.
- Being too promotional.
- Failure to be interesting.
There is a ton of interesting insight in this article. If you are on the front lines of developing email marketing campaigns, we would highly encourage you to read this article in full.